Our Guide to Healthy Sleep Routines for Toddlers
Getting your little one into a good sleep routine is no easy task and is something that most parents struggle with (so don’t worry, you’re not alone!). Over the years we have helped hundreds of families through this tricky journey and we are here to help you too. Let’s dive right in, shall we?
Embrace the Power of Routine
First things first, routine is key. Why?
Because toddlers love predictability. A bedtime routine can be as simple as a bath, a story, and a cuddle, done in the same order every night. This signals to your kiddo that it’s time to switch off the day and glide into dreamland. Our little ones may be future CEOs, scientists, or artists, but for now, they’re fans of predictability.
Understand Their Sleep Cycles
Next up, let’s learn a bit about sleep cycles.
Did you know that children sleep in 90-minute cycles, and you can use this to your advantage? Always remember that if you miss the sleep window, you might end up with an overtired toddler. And trust us when we say an overtired toddler is like a caffeine-fuelled Energizer Bunny – they just keep going and going. So, aim for a nap every 90 minutes or so, and try to get them in bed for the night before they get too tired.
Creating a Sleep-Friendly Environment
Dubai’s a city that never sleeps, so make sure your child’s bedroom is a tranquil oasis amidst all the hustle and bustle. Think soft lighting, blackout blinds to beat the dazzling sunshine, and a cool temperature (24-26 degrees Celsius, thanks air-con!). White noise machines can also work wonders. They not only drown out the sounds of late-night commotion but also mimic the soothing sounds your little one heard when they were still in the womb.

Teach the Art of Self-Soothing
Self-soothing is all about teaching your toddler to settle themselves back to sleep when they wake in the middle of the night. It’s a bit like the parenting equivalent of teaching them to ride a bike – once they’ve got it, you’ve cracked a significant part of the sleep code. You could try introducing a comfort object such as a soft teddy or blanket, or playing soft lullabies to create a calm atmosphere. If they stir, give them a moment or two to settle before you rush in. Trust us, they’re more capable than you think!
Be Patient and Stay Consistent
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, have a little patience and keep the faith.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a toddler’s sleep schedule. Even when you think you’ve cracked it, a teething episode or a change in routine can throw it all off-kilter. Remember, every small step is progress, and each night is a new chance to get it right.
So there you have it – your handy guide to navigating the exciting (and occasionally nerve-wracking) world of toddler sleep routines. Remember that every child is unique, so take what works for you and leave the rest. It’s all about finding what fits your family, your child, and your sanity! Before you know it, you’ll be nagging them to get out of bed in the morning!
Sweet Dreams! 💤